
african news


FDC Considers Rosemary Alwoc Ogwal as Dokolo MP Nominee

The Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party, situated in Najjanankumbi, is considering nominating Rosemary Alwoc Ogwal as their candidate for the upcoming by-elections for the Dokolo Woman Member of Parliament seat. This vacancy arose following the demise of Cecilia Barbara Ogwal Atat in January 2024.

John Kikonyogo, FDC’s spokesperson, has highlighted the strategic importance of Alwoc succeeding her mother to continue the work left incomplete in Dokolo, a decision supported by family members and select party leaders.

Kikonyogo emphasized that thus far, only the family of the late Cecilia Ogwal has approached the FDC regarding endorsing her daughter. He noted that if other contenders emerge, the party will either reach a consensus through discussions or proceed with internal primaries.

These statements were issued during a press briefing held at the party’s Najjanankumbi headquarters on Monday, February 5, 2024.

The party’s decision followed a closed-door meeting between the deceased’s family and senior party figures, including party President Patrick Oboi Amuriat and Toterebuka Bamwenda.

Toterebuka Bamwenda, Chairperson of the FDC Electoral Commission, expressed confidence in Ogwal’s eligibility for candidacy, citing her prior membership in the party before her mother’s passing.

Alwoc, who refrained from responding to media inquiries, hinted at ongoing discussions on certain matters, indicating that the party would soon communicate the details of the meeting’s resolutions.

“I am currently in discussions with FDC. You will soon be informed by the party. That’s all I can say for now,” Alwoc stated.

Meanwhile, the public’s response has been varied regarding Alwoc’s potential candidacy to succeed her mother. The Electoral Commission is expected to announce the electoral roadmap for the Dokolo by-elections shortly.


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